Office of Academic and Students Affairs 教導處 - 新北市立忠山實驗小學



Office of Academic and Students Affairs 教導處

Director of academic affairs 教導主任

Duties in charge:

Promoting International education project, courses distribution, teaching inspection and evaluation, evaluating the teaching result of substitute teachers…etc.

Section Chief of Curriculum and Register 教學組長

Duties in charge:

To conduct experimental courses arrangements, edit school schedule, arrange teachers’ school timetable, organize seminars for advanced studies for teachers, classes for after-class care, science education and science exhibits, students’ affair of registration and transferring to other school…etc.

Section Chief of Discipline and Physical Education 訓育組長

Duties in charge:

To conduct all kinds of school campaigns, strengthen the school security work, promote character education and ethics, publish periodicals, organize interior contests, build an emergency contact network, educate and correct students’ behaviors and manners…etc.

Information Technology teacher 資訊教師

Duties in charge:

Integration to all teaching realms, organizing all multimedia information related contests, information technology products purchase, installation and maintenance, promoting Personal Data Protection Law and Internet ethics…etc.

Science Teacher 科學教師

Duties in charge:

Maintenance and management of teaching equipment and books, purchase and verification of textbooks, collecting and editing additional teaching materials, amplifying and building the educative learning environment…etc.

Teacher of featuring in characteristic teaching 特色課程教師